抗生物質と菌の耐性化 Twitter 今日の話題(大発見?) 2010/09/24 [ふーん なるほどサイエンス]
Dr_Ran#sleep University of Glasgow :: Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology :: Glasgow Sleep Centre http://t.co/odlwm71 via @AddThis
Dr_Ran#peptide RT @sciencemagazine Long synthetic peptides for better drugs and vaccines (Sci TM) http://ow.ly/2IGdw
Dr_Ran#antibiotics RT @TIMEHealthland The mutation behind the #superbug | http://bit.ly/deL3MR
Dr_RanRT @physorg_com Genetic switch underlies noisy cell division http://tw.physorg.com/204458504
Dr_Ran#antibiotics RT @physorg_com Researchers identify structure that allows bacteria to resist drugs http://tw.physorg.com/204459165
Dr_Ran#pain RT @physorg_com Acute pain is eased with the touch of a hand http://tw.physorg.com/204463540
Dr_Ran#signaling RT @physorg_com Researchers discover new signaling pathway that controls cell development and cancer http://tl.gd/662l34
Dr_Ran#HIV RT @NIHforHealth News: Unprecedented effort to seek, test, and treat inmates with HIV http://bit.ly/9rMZIg
Dr_Ran#HIV RT @physorg_com Non-stick coating of a protein found in semen reduces HIV infection http://tw.physorg.com/204467131
Dr_Ran#synthetic_biology RT @HarvardHealth Harvard Health Blog: Synthetic biology: Really cool science not yet ready http://tl.gd/662k9o
Dr_RanRT @sciencemagazine The new issue of Science is now online! http://ow.ly/2ITRl
Dr_RanRT @TIMEHealthland When are #mammograms necessary? | http://bit.ly/9rYiIs
Dr_Ran#prostate_cancer RT @CDCgov Talk to your doctor about being screened for prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. http://is.gd/fpn1E
Dr_Ran#diabetes RT @HarvardHealth FDA curtails use of diabetes drug Avandia; European agency pulls the plug http://tl.gd/662jaf
Dr_Ran#diabetes RT @TIMEHealthland What the Avandia restriction means for diabetics | http://bit.ly/bZpkvk
Dr_RanRT @sciencenewsorg X-rays in 3-D show nanosized details: High-resolution microscope technique exposes a http://tl.gd/662hnq
Dr_Ran#learning RT @physorg_com Less pain for learning gain: Research offers a strategy to increase learning with http://tl.gd/662h9p
Dr_Ran#actin RT @sciencemagazine Actin modifications determined at the nucleotide, not the amino acid level http://tl.gd/662h2t
Dr_Ran#crystallization RT @physorg_com Berkeley lab scientists reveal path to protein crystallization (w/ Video) http://tw.physorg.com/204390857
Dr_Ran#asthma RT @bbchealth Drugs 'could target asthma genes' http://bbc.in/aoEGly
Dr_RanRT @NatGeoSociety What UNESCO #worldheritage area do you want to see featured on our site? Tweet us back with http://tl.gd/662g4c
Dr_RanRT @physorg_com Humanized mice may provide clues to better prevent and treat typhoid fever http://tw.physorg.com/204387011
Dr_RanRT @sciencemagazine Highlights from the 11th Intl. Conf. on Archaeozoology: http://ow.ly/2Fudf http://ow.ly/2FudL http://ow.ly/2Fue6
Dr_Ran#ADHD RT @bbchealth Parents to be offered ADHD training http://bbc.in/aNWJod
Dr_Ran#malaria RT @physorg_com Malaria parasite crossed to Man from gorilla: scientists http://tw.physorg.com/204384770
Dr_RanRT @physorg_com Cell division typically associated with cancer may also protect the liver from injury http://tw.physorg.com/204384202
Dr_RanHmmm... RT @TIMEHealthland Why other people's cell phone conversations drive us nuts | http://bit.ly/aG8P1P
Dr_Ran#MATE_transporter #NorM RT @physorg_com Scientists reveal structure of dangerous bacteria's powerful multidrug http://tl.gd/662ep4
Dr_Ran#NEP_2 #SNET_1 時事ドットコムhttp://i.jiji.jp/jc/i?k=2010092400041
Dr_Ran#salmonella RT @physorg_com Salmonella creates environment in human intestines to foster its own growth http://tw.physorg.com/204381632
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